- 2007년 6월 19일 Sex and the City -
(Season 4-11)
Salesman: It's 4,000.
▶4천 달러입니다.
Samantha: I know.
▶나도 알아요.
Salesman: And there's a waiting list.
▶대기 명단도 있습니다.
Samantha: I assumed.
Salesman: Five years.
▶5년 동안이요.
Samantha: For a bag?
▶가방 하나에?
Salesman: It's not a bag. It's a Birkin.
▶그냥 가방이 아니라 버킨입니다.
Narration: Samantha was never one for waiting in line, so she cut right to the front.
▶사만다는 차례를 기다릴 성격이 아니었다. 그래서 맨 앞줄로 끼여들었다.
Samantha: Oh! It's not for me. It's for Lucy Liu. I'm her press rep. And I would love her to carry this bag to a premiere next week. It would be photographed to death. Does that make a difference?
▶내가 아니라 루시 루가 살 거에요. 전 그녀의 홍보 담당이죠. 개봉일에 이 가방을 들고 나가게 하려고요. 죽이게 잘 나올 거에요. 그래도 예외가 안 될까요?
Salesman: Let me get Francesca, our press rep, on the phone.
▶저희 홍보 담당자 프란체스카를 연결해 드리죠.
Samantha: Would you? How very helpful.
▶그래 줄래요? 정말 고마워요.
Narration: And over on Park Avenue, Charlotte decided she couldn't wait any longer either.
▶한편 파크 애비뉴에서는 샬롯은 더 이상 기다리지 않기로 결심했다.
Charlotte: Yes. I'm calling to make an appointment with Dr. Peck. We're having some... I'm having some difficulty. I think I need some fertility testing.
▶펙 박사님과 약속을 정하고 싶은데요. 우린... 제가 문제가 좀 있어서 임신 테스트를 받아 보려고요.
Miranda: Yes, I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Genya. I need to come in for a... ...procedure. I'm pregnant and l... ...need not to be.
▶게냐 박사님과 약속을 정하려고요. 상담 내용은... 수술에 관한 거에요. 임신을 했는데... 지금은 안 될 것 같아서요.
assume: 사실이라고 생각하다
press rep: 홍보담당자
premiere: 영화 시사회, 특별 개봉일
fertility: 출생률
procedure: 순서, 절차
오늘의 표현: I'm calling to make an appointment.
약속을 정하기 위해 전화해요.
SATC (3rd)
2007년 6월 15일 Sex and the City -[넌 옳은 선택을 했어]
(Season 4-11)
Samantha: Look at that one. Isn't it adorable?
▶저거 너무 예쁘지?
Carrie: Which one?
▶어떤 거?
Samantha: The red one, in the middle. I love it.
▶가운데 있는 빨간 거 말이야, 마음에 쏙 들어.
Carrie: The Birkin bag? Really? That's not even your style.
▶버킨 가방 말이니? 네 스타일도 아니잖아.
Samantha: No, honey, it's not so much the style. It's what carrying it means.
▶내 스타일은 아니지만 숨은 의미가 있잖아.
Carrie: It means you're out 4,000 bucks.
▶4천 달러 한다는 거.
Samantha: Exactly. When I'm trolling around town with that bag, I'll know I've made it.
▶그렇지, 저 가방을 들게 되면 난 성공한 여자가 된 거야.
Carrie: Okay, let’s go. The visiting hours are over.
▶면회시간 끝났어.
Samantha: Bye-bye, Birkin.
▶안녕, 버킨.
Carrie: I'm going with Miranda when she goes.
▶미란다와 함께 가주기로 했어.
Samantha: Good. I was alone and it was awful.
▶정말 외롭고 끔찍했었지.
Carrie: Why didn't you ask somebody to go with you?
▶누구한테 부탁하지 그랬니?
Samantha: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
▶광고할 일이 따로 있지.
Carrie: I lied to Aidan about having one. I don’t know. It just kind of came out. And the thing is, I think he seemed relieved, relieved that he could still think of me in a certain way. I don't know why I lied to him.
▶에이든에게 한번 임신 했던 걸 숨겼어. 그냥 그렇게 튀어나왔는데 그는 안심하는 눈치였어.
난 그런 여자가 아니란 생각에 안심한 거지. 내가 왜 거짓말했을까.
Samantha: Maybe you still want him to think of you in a certain way. It happened. You made the right decision at the time.
▶그가 계속 널 그렇게 생각해주길 바래서겠지. 다 지난 일이야. 넌 옳은 선택을 했어.
Carrie: yeah, I know. But you know, I never told the guy or anything.
▶하지만 남자에겐 숨겼지.
Samantha: You can't go down that road. Did you really want to have a child with a guy who serves burgers on roller-skates?
▶이젠 되돌릴 수 없어. 햄버거나 나르는 남자의 아기를 정말 가지고 싶었니?
Carrie: I could have a 13-year-old child!
▶13살짜리 애가 있을 뻔했네!
Samantha: Yes, you could.
▶그럴 뻔했지.
Carrie: But then I wouldn't have known you. Can you imagine it?
▶또 너도 만나지 못했을 거야. 상상이 되니?
Samantha: No, I can't.
Carrie: I should have told Aidan.
▶에이든에게 말해야 했어.
Samantha: Coulda, woulda, shoulda!
▶다 지난 일이야.
adorable: 숭배할 만한, 귀여운
오늘의 표현: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
광고하고 다닐 일이 아니다.
(Season 4-11)
Samantha: Look at that one. Isn't it adorable?
▶저거 너무 예쁘지?
Carrie: Which one?
▶어떤 거?
Samantha: The red one, in the middle. I love it.
▶가운데 있는 빨간 거 말이야, 마음에 쏙 들어.
Carrie: The Birkin bag? Really? That's not even your style.
▶버킨 가방 말이니? 네 스타일도 아니잖아.
Samantha: No, honey, it's not so much the style. It's what carrying it means.
▶내 스타일은 아니지만 숨은 의미가 있잖아.
Carrie: It means you're out 4,000 bucks.
▶4천 달러 한다는 거.
Samantha: Exactly. When I'm trolling around town with that bag, I'll know I've made it.
▶그렇지, 저 가방을 들게 되면 난 성공한 여자가 된 거야.
Carrie: Okay, let’s go. The visiting hours are over.
▶면회시간 끝났어.
Samantha: Bye-bye, Birkin.
▶안녕, 버킨.
Carrie: I'm going with Miranda when she goes.
▶미란다와 함께 가주기로 했어.
Samantha: Good. I was alone and it was awful.
▶정말 외롭고 끔찍했었지.
Carrie: Why didn't you ask somebody to go with you?
▶누구한테 부탁하지 그랬니?
Samantha: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
▶광고할 일이 따로 있지.
Carrie: I lied to Aidan about having one. I don’t know. It just kind of came out. And the thing is, I think he seemed relieved, relieved that he could still think of me in a certain way. I don't know why I lied to him.
▶에이든에게 한번 임신 했던 걸 숨겼어. 그냥 그렇게 튀어나왔는데 그는 안심하는 눈치였어.
난 그런 여자가 아니란 생각에 안심한 거지. 내가 왜 거짓말했을까.
Samantha: Maybe you still want him to think of you in a certain way. It happened. You made the right decision at the time.
▶그가 계속 널 그렇게 생각해주길 바래서겠지. 다 지난 일이야. 넌 옳은 선택을 했어.
Carrie: yeah, I know. But you know, I never told the guy or anything.
▶하지만 남자에겐 숨겼지.
Samantha: You can't go down that road. Did you really want to have a child with a guy who serves burgers on roller-skates?
▶이젠 되돌릴 수 없어. 햄버거나 나르는 남자의 아기를 정말 가지고 싶었니?
Carrie: I could have a 13-year-old child!
▶13살짜리 애가 있을 뻔했네!
Samantha: Yes, you could.
▶그럴 뻔했지.
Carrie: But then I wouldn't have known you. Can you imagine it?
▶또 너도 만나지 못했을 거야. 상상이 되니?
Samantha: No, I can't.
Carrie: I should have told Aidan.
▶에이든에게 말해야 했어.
Samantha: Coulda, woulda, shoulda!
▶다 지난 일이야.
adorable: 숭배할 만한, 귀여운
오늘의 표현: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
광고하고 다닐 일이 아니다.
SATC (2nd)
2007년 6월 3일 Sex and the City -
(Season 4-10)
Big: Watch it, man. That was a little hard.
▶이번엔 좀 센데.
Aidan: That wasn't that hard.
▶세긴 뭘 세.
Narration: There they were: Batman and the Green Bee.
▶그렇게 배트맨 대 녹색 꿀벌의 싸움이 시작됐다.
Carrie: Hey! Stop! Stop it! Stop it! You're middle-aged!
▶그만해! 그만 하라니까! 그만해! 다 큰 중년 남자들아!
Big: That dog just bit my ass!
▶저 개가 내 엉덩이를 물었어!
Narration: And just like that, Kato stopped the fight.
▶바로 그랬다. 케이토가 싸움을 말렸다.
Big: And the thing is, see, she could reach me, but I could never get her. Day or night, whenever, she could reach me. I couldn't get her. See?
▶문제는 이거요. 그녀는 내게 전화할 수 있지만 난 절대 전화할 수가 없어요. 밤이든 낮이든, 언제나 말이오. 그녀는 내게 전화할 수 있지만 난 못해요, 알겠죠?
Aidan: That's fucked up.
▶정말 더러웠겠네요.
Narration: Somehow, the storm had passed, and I never fully understood why. OK,, maybe men and women don't live in the same zip code, but we're moving closer.
▶그렇게 해서 폭풍은 지나갔지만 난 그 이유를 확실히 모르겠다. 아마도 남자와 여자는 다른 행성에 사는지도 모른다. 하지만 우린 서로 가까워지고 있다.
Big: Good eggs.
▶달걀 맛 좋은데요.
middle-aged: 중년의
storm: 폭풍
오늘의 표현: She could reach me. 그녀는 나에게 연락할 수 있어요
Learning through SATC!
I found a really nice site.
If you enter this site, you can learn daily useful expressions with intersting short movie.
In my opinion, this site wil be very useful in English learning as I was already interested in tis sitcom. In addition, as they offer sript we can understand the situation specifically.
And here is the script.
- Sex and the City -
(Season 4-11)
Carrie: Okay. Miranda's pregnant and she's having an abortion.
Aidan: Oh, man…
Carrie: Charlotte's devastated, you know, because she's been trying to get pregnant. She’s been having a really hard time and it’s just bad all round.
Aidan: Come here. Well, if Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte?
Carrie: No. It's not like a sweater. Aidan: Oh man… Who's the guy? Carrie: See, this is the reason that you can't tell anyone. It's Steve. And he doesn't know!
Aidan: Oh! Come on!
Carrie: What?
Aidan: I feel like you just trapped me.
Carrie: I’m sorry, I had to tell you. It's all I could think about. Look, I can't even pick a shoe.
Aidan: She's going to do it without telling him?
Carrie: What?
Aidan: What? It's his baby, too.
Carrie: Technically, it's not going to be anybody's baby.
Aidan: So what? It's all her decision? Seems like the guy gets the shit end of the stick.
Carrie: It's a tough situation. I don't know.
Aidan: You ever had one?
Carrie: No. God, no. Thank God.
devastate: 망연자실케 하다
trap: 함정에 빠뜨리다, 골탕먹이다
tough: 곤란한
오늘의 표현: It’s just bad all round. [상황이 안 좋다]
If you enter this site, you can learn daily useful expressions with intersting short movie.
In my opinion, this site wil be very useful in English learning as I was already interested in tis sitcom. In addition, as they offer sript we can understand the situation specifically.
And here is the script.
- Sex and the City -
(Season 4-11)
Carrie: Okay. Miranda's pregnant and she's having an abortion.
Aidan: Oh, man…
Carrie: Charlotte's devastated, you know, because she's been trying to get pregnant. She’s been having a really hard time and it’s just bad all round.
Aidan: Come here. Well, if Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte?
Carrie: No. It's not like a sweater. Aidan: Oh man… Who's the guy? Carrie: See, this is the reason that you can't tell anyone. It's Steve. And he doesn't know!
Aidan: Oh! Come on!
Carrie: What?
Aidan: I feel like you just trapped me.
Carrie: I’m sorry, I had to tell you. It's all I could think about. Look, I can't even pick a shoe.
Aidan: She's going to do it without telling him?
Carrie: What?
Aidan: What? It's his baby, too.
Carrie: Technically, it's not going to be anybody's baby.
Aidan: So what? It's all her decision? Seems like the guy gets the shit end of the stick.
Carrie: It's a tough situation. I don't know.
Aidan: You ever had one?
Carrie: No. God, no. Thank God.
devastate: 망연자실케 하다
trap: 함정에 빠뜨리다, 골탕먹이다
tough: 곤란한
오늘의 표현: It’s just bad all round. [상황이 안 좋다]
Valuable site for English Learning [3]

The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts more than 1,000 hours of news, information,
educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 115 million people.
Surprisingly, this site offer Korean translated web-site. We can get daily Idioms, pronunciation guide and mp3 files to download. Dictation practice by listening materials will be nice for my listening capability.
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