- 2007년 6월 19일 Sex and the City -
(Season 4-11)
Salesman: It's 4,000.
▶4천 달러입니다.
Samantha: I know.
▶나도 알아요.
Salesman: And there's a waiting list.
▶대기 명단도 있습니다.
Samantha: I assumed.
Salesman: Five years.
▶5년 동안이요.
Samantha: For a bag?
▶가방 하나에?
Salesman: It's not a bag. It's a Birkin.
▶그냥 가방이 아니라 버킨입니다.
Narration: Samantha was never one for waiting in line, so she cut right to the front.
▶사만다는 차례를 기다릴 성격이 아니었다. 그래서 맨 앞줄로 끼여들었다.
Samantha: Oh! It's not for me. It's for Lucy Liu. I'm her press rep. And I would love her to carry this bag to a premiere next week. It would be photographed to death. Does that make a difference?
▶내가 아니라 루시 루가 살 거에요. 전 그녀의 홍보 담당이죠. 개봉일에 이 가방을 들고 나가게 하려고요. 죽이게 잘 나올 거에요. 그래도 예외가 안 될까요?
Salesman: Let me get Francesca, our press rep, on the phone.
▶저희 홍보 담당자 프란체스카를 연결해 드리죠.
Samantha: Would you? How very helpful.
▶그래 줄래요? 정말 고마워요.
Narration: And over on Park Avenue, Charlotte decided she couldn't wait any longer either.
▶한편 파크 애비뉴에서는 샬롯은 더 이상 기다리지 않기로 결심했다.
Charlotte: Yes. I'm calling to make an appointment with Dr. Peck. We're having some... I'm having some difficulty. I think I need some fertility testing.
▶펙 박사님과 약속을 정하고 싶은데요. 우린... 제가 문제가 좀 있어서 임신 테스트를 받아 보려고요.
Miranda: Yes, I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Genya. I need to come in for a... ...procedure. I'm pregnant and l... ...need not to be.
▶게냐 박사님과 약속을 정하려고요. 상담 내용은... 수술에 관한 거에요. 임신을 했는데... 지금은 안 될 것 같아서요.
assume: 사실이라고 생각하다
press rep: 홍보담당자
premiere: 영화 시사회, 특별 개봉일
fertility: 출생률
procedure: 순서, 절차
오늘의 표현: I'm calling to make an appointment.
약속을 정하기 위해 전화해요.
SATC (3rd)
2007년 6월 15일 Sex and the City -[넌 옳은 선택을 했어]
(Season 4-11)
Samantha: Look at that one. Isn't it adorable?
▶저거 너무 예쁘지?
Carrie: Which one?
▶어떤 거?
Samantha: The red one, in the middle. I love it.
▶가운데 있는 빨간 거 말이야, 마음에 쏙 들어.
Carrie: The Birkin bag? Really? That's not even your style.
▶버킨 가방 말이니? 네 스타일도 아니잖아.
Samantha: No, honey, it's not so much the style. It's what carrying it means.
▶내 스타일은 아니지만 숨은 의미가 있잖아.
Carrie: It means you're out 4,000 bucks.
▶4천 달러 한다는 거.
Samantha: Exactly. When I'm trolling around town with that bag, I'll know I've made it.
▶그렇지, 저 가방을 들게 되면 난 성공한 여자가 된 거야.
Carrie: Okay, let’s go. The visiting hours are over.
▶면회시간 끝났어.
Samantha: Bye-bye, Birkin.
▶안녕, 버킨.
Carrie: I'm going with Miranda when she goes.
▶미란다와 함께 가주기로 했어.
Samantha: Good. I was alone and it was awful.
▶정말 외롭고 끔찍했었지.
Carrie: Why didn't you ask somebody to go with you?
▶누구한테 부탁하지 그랬니?
Samantha: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
▶광고할 일이 따로 있지.
Carrie: I lied to Aidan about having one. I don’t know. It just kind of came out. And the thing is, I think he seemed relieved, relieved that he could still think of me in a certain way. I don't know why I lied to him.
▶에이든에게 한번 임신 했던 걸 숨겼어. 그냥 그렇게 튀어나왔는데 그는 안심하는 눈치였어.
난 그런 여자가 아니란 생각에 안심한 거지. 내가 왜 거짓말했을까.
Samantha: Maybe you still want him to think of you in a certain way. It happened. You made the right decision at the time.
▶그가 계속 널 그렇게 생각해주길 바래서겠지. 다 지난 일이야. 넌 옳은 선택을 했어.
Carrie: yeah, I know. But you know, I never told the guy or anything.
▶하지만 남자에겐 숨겼지.
Samantha: You can't go down that road. Did you really want to have a child with a guy who serves burgers on roller-skates?
▶이젠 되돌릴 수 없어. 햄버거나 나르는 남자의 아기를 정말 가지고 싶었니?
Carrie: I could have a 13-year-old child!
▶13살짜리 애가 있을 뻔했네!
Samantha: Yes, you could.
▶그럴 뻔했지.
Carrie: But then I wouldn't have known you. Can you imagine it?
▶또 너도 만나지 못했을 거야. 상상이 되니?
Samantha: No, I can't.
Carrie: I should have told Aidan.
▶에이든에게 말해야 했어.
Samantha: Coulda, woulda, shoulda!
▶다 지난 일이야.
adorable: 숭배할 만한, 귀여운
오늘의 표현: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
광고하고 다닐 일이 아니다.
(Season 4-11)
Samantha: Look at that one. Isn't it adorable?
▶저거 너무 예쁘지?
Carrie: Which one?
▶어떤 거?
Samantha: The red one, in the middle. I love it.
▶가운데 있는 빨간 거 말이야, 마음에 쏙 들어.
Carrie: The Birkin bag? Really? That's not even your style.
▶버킨 가방 말이니? 네 스타일도 아니잖아.
Samantha: No, honey, it's not so much the style. It's what carrying it means.
▶내 스타일은 아니지만 숨은 의미가 있잖아.
Carrie: It means you're out 4,000 bucks.
▶4천 달러 한다는 거.
Samantha: Exactly. When I'm trolling around town with that bag, I'll know I've made it.
▶그렇지, 저 가방을 들게 되면 난 성공한 여자가 된 거야.
Carrie: Okay, let’s go. The visiting hours are over.
▶면회시간 끝났어.
Samantha: Bye-bye, Birkin.
▶안녕, 버킨.
Carrie: I'm going with Miranda when she goes.
▶미란다와 함께 가주기로 했어.
Samantha: Good. I was alone and it was awful.
▶정말 외롭고 끔찍했었지.
Carrie: Why didn't you ask somebody to go with you?
▶누구한테 부탁하지 그랬니?
Samantha: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
▶광고할 일이 따로 있지.
Carrie: I lied to Aidan about having one. I don’t know. It just kind of came out. And the thing is, I think he seemed relieved, relieved that he could still think of me in a certain way. I don't know why I lied to him.
▶에이든에게 한번 임신 했던 걸 숨겼어. 그냥 그렇게 튀어나왔는데 그는 안심하는 눈치였어.
난 그런 여자가 아니란 생각에 안심한 거지. 내가 왜 거짓말했을까.
Samantha: Maybe you still want him to think of you in a certain way. It happened. You made the right decision at the time.
▶그가 계속 널 그렇게 생각해주길 바래서겠지. 다 지난 일이야. 넌 옳은 선택을 했어.
Carrie: yeah, I know. But you know, I never told the guy or anything.
▶하지만 남자에겐 숨겼지.
Samantha: You can't go down that road. Did you really want to have a child with a guy who serves burgers on roller-skates?
▶이젠 되돌릴 수 없어. 햄버거나 나르는 남자의 아기를 정말 가지고 싶었니?
Carrie: I could have a 13-year-old child!
▶13살짜리 애가 있을 뻔했네!
Samantha: Yes, you could.
▶그럴 뻔했지.
Carrie: But then I wouldn't have known you. Can you imagine it?
▶또 너도 만나지 못했을 거야. 상상이 되니?
Samantha: No, I can't.
Carrie: I should have told Aidan.
▶에이든에게 말해야 했어.
Samantha: Coulda, woulda, shoulda!
▶다 지난 일이야.
adorable: 숭배할 만한, 귀여운
오늘의 표현: It's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.
광고하고 다닐 일이 아니다.
SATC (2nd)
2007년 6월 3일 Sex and the City -
(Season 4-10)
Big: Watch it, man. That was a little hard.
▶이번엔 좀 센데.
Aidan: That wasn't that hard.
▶세긴 뭘 세.
Narration: There they were: Batman and the Green Bee.
▶그렇게 배트맨 대 녹색 꿀벌의 싸움이 시작됐다.
Carrie: Hey! Stop! Stop it! Stop it! You're middle-aged!
▶그만해! 그만 하라니까! 그만해! 다 큰 중년 남자들아!
Big: That dog just bit my ass!
▶저 개가 내 엉덩이를 물었어!
Narration: And just like that, Kato stopped the fight.
▶바로 그랬다. 케이토가 싸움을 말렸다.
Big: And the thing is, see, she could reach me, but I could never get her. Day or night, whenever, she could reach me. I couldn't get her. See?
▶문제는 이거요. 그녀는 내게 전화할 수 있지만 난 절대 전화할 수가 없어요. 밤이든 낮이든, 언제나 말이오. 그녀는 내게 전화할 수 있지만 난 못해요, 알겠죠?
Aidan: That's fucked up.
▶정말 더러웠겠네요.
Narration: Somehow, the storm had passed, and I never fully understood why. OK,, maybe men and women don't live in the same zip code, but we're moving closer.
▶그렇게 해서 폭풍은 지나갔지만 난 그 이유를 확실히 모르겠다. 아마도 남자와 여자는 다른 행성에 사는지도 모른다. 하지만 우린 서로 가까워지고 있다.
Big: Good eggs.
▶달걀 맛 좋은데요.
middle-aged: 중년의
storm: 폭풍
오늘의 표현: She could reach me. 그녀는 나에게 연락할 수 있어요
Learning through SATC!
I found a really nice site.
If you enter this site, you can learn daily useful expressions with intersting short movie.
In my opinion, this site wil be very useful in English learning as I was already interested in tis sitcom. In addition, as they offer sript we can understand the situation specifically.
And here is the script.
- Sex and the City -
(Season 4-11)
Carrie: Okay. Miranda's pregnant and she's having an abortion.
Aidan: Oh, man…
Carrie: Charlotte's devastated, you know, because she's been trying to get pregnant. She’s been having a really hard time and it’s just bad all round.
Aidan: Come here. Well, if Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte?
Carrie: No. It's not like a sweater. Aidan: Oh man… Who's the guy? Carrie: See, this is the reason that you can't tell anyone. It's Steve. And he doesn't know!
Aidan: Oh! Come on!
Carrie: What?
Aidan: I feel like you just trapped me.
Carrie: I’m sorry, I had to tell you. It's all I could think about. Look, I can't even pick a shoe.
Aidan: She's going to do it without telling him?
Carrie: What?
Aidan: What? It's his baby, too.
Carrie: Technically, it's not going to be anybody's baby.
Aidan: So what? It's all her decision? Seems like the guy gets the shit end of the stick.
Carrie: It's a tough situation. I don't know.
Aidan: You ever had one?
Carrie: No. God, no. Thank God.
devastate: 망연자실케 하다
trap: 함정에 빠뜨리다, 골탕먹이다
tough: 곤란한
오늘의 표현: It’s just bad all round. [상황이 안 좋다]
If you enter this site, you can learn daily useful expressions with intersting short movie.
In my opinion, this site wil be very useful in English learning as I was already interested in tis sitcom. In addition, as they offer sript we can understand the situation specifically.
And here is the script.
- Sex and the City -
(Season 4-11)
Carrie: Okay. Miranda's pregnant and she's having an abortion.
Aidan: Oh, man…
Carrie: Charlotte's devastated, you know, because she's been trying to get pregnant. She’s been having a really hard time and it’s just bad all round.
Aidan: Come here. Well, if Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte?
Carrie: No. It's not like a sweater. Aidan: Oh man… Who's the guy? Carrie: See, this is the reason that you can't tell anyone. It's Steve. And he doesn't know!
Aidan: Oh! Come on!
Carrie: What?
Aidan: I feel like you just trapped me.
Carrie: I’m sorry, I had to tell you. It's all I could think about. Look, I can't even pick a shoe.
Aidan: She's going to do it without telling him?
Carrie: What?
Aidan: What? It's his baby, too.
Carrie: Technically, it's not going to be anybody's baby.
Aidan: So what? It's all her decision? Seems like the guy gets the shit end of the stick.
Carrie: It's a tough situation. I don't know.
Aidan: You ever had one?
Carrie: No. God, no. Thank God.
devastate: 망연자실케 하다
trap: 함정에 빠뜨리다, 골탕먹이다
tough: 곤란한
오늘의 표현: It’s just bad all round. [상황이 안 좋다]
Valuable site for English Learning [3]

The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts more than 1,000 hours of news, information,
educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 115 million people.
Surprisingly, this site offer Korean translated web-site. We can get daily Idioms, pronunciation guide and mp3 files to download. Dictation practice by listening materials will be nice for my listening capability.
Crimson Rock Concert

He is the member of rock band 'Crimson'.
As the name shows, this is Korea University's famous rock band.
(The symbol color of Korea University is Red!)
The music was good. People were nice.
Also the atmosphere was soooooooooo hot.
Especially with my friend 화니심. Please look at this photo shoot.
I have been thought he is kind of a timid person. However he was very enthusiastic. He twinkled with passion in his mind. I am so proud that he is my friend. Anyway it was an exciting experience after a long interver. Happy Happy May!!♥
Happy Birthday to Me (>-<)/

It was 1986.12.20 and I was just YOUNG!!
I am wearing yellow sweater which my grand mom
knit for my first christmas present.
May be I was saying "Yeah~". Please look at my pleasent expression.
Frankly speaking, I was adooooooooorable. Sorry! KK

I am still adooooooooooooorable. KK
This year, my birthday was coincide with Coming of Age Day.
Therefore I got the presents and celebrations twofold.
I dare to say that I was the most happiest person in the world on my birthday! :)
Valuable site for English Learning [2]

This site is good for studying English grammar. There are many interesting reading materials.
If we choose one and click that story then the grammar quiz game starts.
Quiz yourself on English grammar and vocabulary while reading scripts of the Special English programs from the Voice of America (VOA). Not only can we practice English, but also we can learn many interesting things while doing so. They also offer VOA's Special English Word List.
The word lisk will be a good guide.
I was happy to study grammar with fun. Hooooooray!!

In my opinion, concordance is an useful program when we study with reading materials.
By using this program, we can learn how and where to put the specific word in sentence.
It means we are able to compare different usages of a word and find the keyword of the context.
Also the most strong point of this program is self-studying. If there is a nice reading material, then we can start the lecture by ourselves.
Thinking of Relationships
Later that day, I got to thinking about relationships.
There are those that open you up to sth new and exotic.
Those that are old and familiar.
Those that bring up lots of questions.
Those that bring you somewhere unexpected.
Those that bring you far from where you started.
And those that bring you back.
But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all
is the one you have with yourself.
And if you find someone to love the you, you love.
Well, that's just fabulous!
There are those that open you up to sth new and exotic.
Those that are old and familiar.
Those that bring up lots of questions.
Those that bring you somewhere unexpected.
Those that bring you far from where you started.
And those that bring you back.
But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all
is the one you have with yourself.
And if you find someone to love the you, you love.
Well, that's just fabulous!
Valuable site for English Learning [1]

This is a Newyork Times NIE web site. There are lots of reading materials and they are updated regularly. As you see this pictures, there are several useful sections. It is devided into two part. One is for students and the other one is for teachers.
For students: News Summaries, Daily News Quiz, Word of the Day.
I like Word of the day section most because vocabulary is the weakest point that I have. Therefore I added this page to my favorites sites.
For teachers: Daily Lesson Plan, Daily News Quiz, Word of the Day.
As my major is English Education, this site will be my property in the future. By this site I can also understand how teachers prepare daily lecture. Especially English teachers...
Well, everytime I trying to find useful sites for English learning, I feel as if it is a treasure hunting. When I finally find gorgeous sites, I feel good just as I find the treasure in the bundless ocean.
This is a Newyork Times NIE web site. There are lots of reading materials and they are updated regularly. As you see this pictures, there are several useful sections. It is devided into two part. One is for students and the other one is for teachers.
For students: News Summaries, Daily News Quiz, Word of the Day.
I like Word of the day section most because vocabulary is the weakest point that I have. Therefore I added this page to my favorites sites.
For teachers: Daily Lesson Plan, Daily News Quiz, Word of the Day.
As my major is English Education, this site will be my property in the future. By this site I can also understand how teachers prepare daily lecture. Especially English teachers...
Well, everytime I trying to find useful sites for English learning, I feel as if it is a treasure hunting. When I finally find gorgeous sites, I feel good just as I find the treasure in the bundless ocean.
[Poem] My Papa's Waltz
My Papa's Waltz
Theodore Roethke (1908~1963)
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
We romped until the pans
Slid from the kitchen shelf;
My mother's countenance
Could not unfrown itself.
The hand that held my wrist
Was battered on one knuckle;
At every step you missed
My right ear scraped a buckle
You beat time on my head
With a palm caked hard by dirt,
Then waltzed me off to bed
Still clinging to your shirt.
Today is parents' Day. I prepared some gifts and the letter.
I enclosed coupons for my parents. For example, mother can redeem coupons by massage, doing the dishes and laundry. Father can redeem it by washing his car or shining his shoes etc.
However I already know that Parents' Day is not restricted to one day. I should serve my parents with devotion for 365days.
Thanks Mom and Dad! I love you~♡♡
Theodore Roethke (1908~1963)
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
We romped until the pans
Slid from the kitchen shelf;
My mother's countenance
Could not unfrown itself.
The hand that held my wrist
Was battered on one knuckle;
At every step you missed
My right ear scraped a buckle
You beat time on my head
With a palm caked hard by dirt,
Then waltzed me off to bed
Still clinging to your shirt.
Today is parents' Day. I prepared some gifts and the letter.
I enclosed coupons for my parents. For example, mother can redeem coupons by massage, doing the dishes and laundry. Father can redeem it by washing his car or shining his shoes etc.
However I already know that Parents' Day is not restricted to one day. I should serve my parents with devotion for 365days.
Thanks Mom and Dad! I love you~♡♡
JY Park's Harvard Lecture
JY Park had a special lecture at Harvard University.
At 영어발달사 course, some senior students had a presentation.
They showed two to three ucc materials. Those were about 박근혜's English, 반기문's English and 박진영's English. After watching all of them, we had discussion time. The topic was this.
Q: What do you think about English by Korean people whose major is not English? Discuss your opinions freely about their English. (ex. prununciation, intonation, complexity of sentence...)
In my opinion, three of them are really good at English. Their English is better than I thought.
One interesting point is that all of them doesn't major English. Especially JY Park's English is fantastic. Compare to others, he can joke just like native people. I think Korean people can speak English well even they had never been abroad. However, if someone want to be more native like in pronunciation or intonation, they should experience foreign cultures.
JY Park's lecture really gave me a stimulus to be like him. May be someday I will have my lecture at Harvard if I make every endeavor steady!! =)
At 영어발달사 course, some senior students had a presentation.
They showed two to three ucc materials. Those were about 박근혜's English, 반기문's English and 박진영's English. After watching all of them, we had discussion time. The topic was this.
Q: What do you think about English by Korean people whose major is not English? Discuss your opinions freely about their English. (ex. prununciation, intonation, complexity of sentence...)
In my opinion, three of them are really good at English. Their English is better than I thought.
One interesting point is that all of them doesn't major English. Especially JY Park's English is fantastic. Compare to others, he can joke just like native people. I think Korean people can speak English well even they had never been abroad. However, if someone want to be more native like in pronunciation or intonation, they should experience foreign cultures.
JY Park's lecture really gave me a stimulus to be like him. May be someday I will have my lecture at Harvard if I make every endeavor steady!! =)
Cyworld vs. Naver blog
Most people do cyworld recent few years.
They find fun with it. In my opinion, the trend of people has been changed. As Korean, we traditionally tried to hide our private things and personal emotions. However, by doing cyworld, we should put those things on visible surface. Though there is no intention to do like that, some categories such as 'diary', 'picture', 'visitor' cause people to do. The system of '일촌' has not only strength but also weakness. People need to distinct people around them. I mean they should select he/she who they think is close enough to them. May be this kind of stuff makes unknown prejudices. People also wanted to show off their popularity by the number of visitors. I think this system is very very epoch making event to make people invest much time, money and effort. However this also causes people to play the hypocrite.
On the other hand, Naver blog is better partially. Bloggers don't need to know each other in personal. They just share information about their common interests. Age, gender, social status and so on are no problem. However there is also one weakness about naver blog. It is that there are soooooooooo many blogs in the Internet.
It means not only Korean surfers but also worldwide people who use the Internet. Cyworld is better if we just consider at the point of connectivity.
They find fun with it. In my opinion, the trend of people has been changed. As Korean, we traditionally tried to hide our private things and personal emotions. However, by doing cyworld, we should put those things on visible surface. Though there is no intention to do like that, some categories such as 'diary', 'picture', 'visitor' cause people to do. The system of '일촌' has not only strength but also weakness. People need to distinct people around them. I mean they should select he/she who they think is close enough to them. May be this kind of stuff makes unknown prejudices. People also wanted to show off their popularity by the number of visitors. I think this system is very very epoch making event to make people invest much time, money and effort. However this also causes people to play the hypocrite.
On the other hand, Naver blog is better partially. Bloggers don't need to know each other in personal. They just share information about their common interests. Age, gender, social status and so on are no problem. However there is also one weakness about naver blog. It is that there are soooooooooo many blogs in the Internet.
It means not only Korean surfers but also worldwide people who use the Internet. Cyworld is better if we just consider at the point of connectivity.
A backward glance
My first mid-term exam is over...
It was hard time for me to prepare, because there were lots of works and duties that I had to do. So during the exam, I couldn't sleep well though I didn't study. My younger sister was in mid-term season, too. She studied, studied and studied. I was ashamed... really.
However the exams are all over and I am having fun right now.
Hanging out with friends, go to the movies and reading books
that I really wanted to. Happy with just a little bitterness. kkk
Maybe I am going to plan for the rest of semester.
It was hard time for me to prepare, because there were lots of works and duties that I had to do. So during the exam, I couldn't sleep well though I didn't study. My younger sister was in mid-term season, too. She studied, studied and studied. I was ashamed... really.
However the exams are all over and I am having fun right now.
Hanging out with friends, go to the movies and reading books
that I really wanted to. Happy with just a little bitterness. kkk
Maybe I am going to plan for the rest of semester.
Tell us about your dream.
What do you hope to do 10 years later?
Hmm...this is a kind of tough but important question to answer. Everytime I try to think of it, I fell into a dilemma. Pursuit of stability will be good? or Am I going to feel sorry if I chase which drawes my interest?
Actually I am taking "국어와 문학" course this semester. Improving writing skills is the main goal.For about 2~3 weeks, I have been practicing many exercises which can be basis for my resume.
By that kind of works I could think over my personality, family background, aptitude for English Education etc...
As I am not that young like other classmates, sometimes I feel hasty and require prompt conclusions such as TOEIC. However, I know this sort of question is unavoidable. Through rest of my life and I should make a reply by myself. No one will make a "RIGHT"choice instead of me. Even parents can only give advices. Fortunately, MBTI test and philosophical speculation gave an answer that what I am hoping to do 10 years later.
I want to be engaged in consultation fields. I mean a counsellor. More details are not chosen yet. A definite answer I can say is that I want to display my ability in mind -reading. Analyzing the structure of human spirit and indicationg a suitable product will be really fruitfull.
Hmm...this is a kind of tough but important question to answer. Everytime I try to think of it, I fell into a dilemma. Pursuit of stability will be good? or Am I going to feel sorry if I chase which drawes my interest?
Actually I am taking "국어와 문학" course this semester. Improving writing skills is the main goal.For about 2~3 weeks, I have been practicing many exercises which can be basis for my resume.
By that kind of works I could think over my personality, family background, aptitude for English Education etc...
As I am not that young like other classmates, sometimes I feel hasty and require prompt conclusions such as TOEIC. However, I know this sort of question is unavoidable. Through rest of my life and I should make a reply by myself. No one will make a "RIGHT"choice instead of me. Even parents can only give advices. Fortunately, MBTI test and philosophical speculation gave an answer that what I am hoping to do 10 years later.
I want to be engaged in consultation fields. I mean a counsellor. More details are not chosen yet. A definite answer I can say is that I want to display my ability in mind -reading. Analyzing the structure of human spirit and indicationg a suitable product will be really fruitfull.
Drawing a Blueprint
I am 22 years old now so 10 years later I became 32.
At first, I think this is an unbelievable number that I will get.
I wanted to be a doctor, a fashion model, cellist, dancer, patissier when young. However many things have been changed. Now my dream is being an English teacher, a counsellor (kind of therapist),
a curator or a public officer. Especially I am interested in the field of psycho metrics. I am not sure that I am going to study abroad to be a specialist or just work it to satisfy my curiosity...
<2017> after ten years later (32)
Become an English teacher/ Counsellor/ Curator/ Public officer
- Keep learning English. (As languages are changeable in fact.)
- Study Laws, Sociology, Political science
- Run a blog or homepage about the human mind.
Exercise to figure out many mind problems.
- Visit exhibitions and read many books about the art.
<2012> after five years later (27)
Become a graduate student in Korea (English education) or go overseas to study psycho metrics and art-management
- Pay special attention to the qualifications of the school that
I want to enter.
- Put every effort to meet the requirements.
<2007~2010> while an undergraduate
Try to find out what I really want to do for my entire life.
- Go to library often not just for reading but visiting language laboratory.
- Read the articles continuously and develop critical power.
- Participate an exchange student system.
- Travel many countries. (Europe, Egypt, India, Turkey, Hong kong)
- Exercise regularly to have a nice figure.
At first, I think this is an unbelievable number that I will get.
I wanted to be a doctor, a fashion model, cellist, dancer, patissier when young. However many things have been changed. Now my dream is being an English teacher, a counsellor (kind of therapist),
a curator or a public officer. Especially I am interested in the field of psycho metrics. I am not sure that I am going to study abroad to be a specialist or just work it to satisfy my curiosity...
<2017> after ten years later (32)
Become an English teacher/ Counsellor/ Curator/ Public officer
- Keep learning English. (As languages are changeable in fact.)
- Study Laws, Sociology, Political science
- Run a blog or homepage about the human mind.
Exercise to figure out many mind problems.
- Visit exhibitions and read many books about the art.
<2012> after five years later (27)
Become a graduate student in Korea (English education) or go overseas to study psycho metrics and art-management
- Pay special attention to the qualifications of the school that
I want to enter.
- Put every effort to meet the requirements.
<2007~2010> while an undergraduate
Try to find out what I really want to do for my entire life.
- Go to library often not just for reading but visiting language laboratory.
- Read the articles continuously and develop critical power.
- Participate an exchange student system.
- Travel many countries. (Europe, Egypt, India, Turkey, Hong kong)
- Exercise regularly to have a nice figure.
박지성 영국서 영어 어떻게 배웠나?
"혼자 외운다", "재미있게 공부한다" …1주일에 2, 3일 과외도... 세계신문 07-04/09)
잉글랜드 프로축구 프리미어리그(EPL)에서 뛰고 있는 박지성(26)에겐 어떤 특별한 영어 공부법이 있을까?
박지성은 지난 2005년 7월 맨체스터 유나이티드(이하 맨유)에 입단한 뒤에도 1주일에 2∼3일 과외교사와 만나 하루 2시간 가량 공부하면서 영어를 손놓지 않고 있다. 2002년 12월 네덜란드의 PSV 에인트호벤에 진출한 뒤 꾸준히 영어 공부를 해온 박지성이지만 팀을 옮길 때마다 상당 기간 언어문제로 골치를 썩여왔다고 토로할 정도로 언어의 장벽은 넘어서기 힘들었다. 특히 맨유에 입단했을 때는 자존심이 세 먼저 말을 걸지 않으면 대화조차 힘든 동료와 하나가 되려고 무던히도 애를 썼다고 한다. 이제 박지성은 퍼거슨 감독인 동료와 원활히 의사소통을 하면서 경기력이 높아졌다는 평가를 받고 있다. 그럼 박지성은 어떤 방법으로 영어를 공부했을까. 지난달 22일 우루과이와의 국가대표팀 평가전을 위해 한국을 찾았던 박지성은 대답은 “혼자 외운다”였다. 또 재미있게 하라고 조언한다. 박지성은 “영어를 하는데 성격도 많이 좌우한다”며 “나는 많은 사람들과 많은 얘기를 하는 사람이 아니기 때문에 스스로 혼자 외우는 일이 영어를 배우는 데 있어 잘하는 방법 중에 하나”라고 소개했다. 수줍음이 많아 쉬는 날은 집에서 혼자 책을 읽으면 시간을 보낸다는 박지성다운 공부법인 셈이다. 그는 “옥스퍼드대학교에서 만든 영어교재와 함께 영어 교사가 준비해준 여러 자료로 공부한다”고 덧붙였다. 박지성은 영어를 재미있게 공부하라고 조언한다. “모르는 언어를 통해 모르는 한국 사람이 아닌 외국 사람과 대화할 수 있다는 것 자체만으로 충분히 재미있다”며 “간단한 말을 통역해 부모님께 도움을 줄 수 있고, 다른 나라 사람들이 하는 얘기를 알아듣고 얘기하는 것 자체가 기쁜 일” 이라고 말한다. 박지성에게 영어 공부는 선수생명을 건 도전이기도 했다. 그는 자서전 ‘멈추지 않는 도전’에서 “영어와의 전쟁에서 이기지 못하면 언젠가 세계 최고의 스타 선수 중 한 사람이 되리라는 내 소중한 꿈도 그만큼 멀어진다”고 밝혔을 정도다. 영어가 축구 선수로 활동하는데 많은 도움이 되기 때문에 반드시 정복해야 한다는 것이다. 박지성은 “맨유 입단 초기에는 아무래도 현지인의 영어 말하기 속도를 따라갈 수 없었고, 내가 알고 있는 단어를 그들이 말했을 때 전혀 다른 소리로 들렸을 때가 가끔 있었다”며 “우리랑 말하는 것 자체가 문화적으로 틀리기 때문에 영어 공부에 어려운 점이 있었다”고 말했다. 이어 “영어를 할 수 있다면 소속팀 동료와 좀 더 원활한 의사소통이 가능하고 빨리 그들과 친해질 수 있기 때문에 축구를 통해 현지에서 적응하는 것도 빠른 속도로 할 수 있다”며 “경기장 밖에서도 동료와 같이 생활하고 그들과 같이 얘기 나눠야지만 경기장에서도 좋은 모습을 보여줄 수 있기 때문에 경기장 밖에서의 의사소통도 굉장히 중요하다”고 강조했다. 박지성은 “내가 한국에서 영어를 제대로 배워 외국에 나갔더라면 지금보다 더 쉽게 현지생활에 적응할 수 있을 것이고, 좀 더 좋은 선수가 되는데 많은 도움을 받았을 것”이라며 “그렇기 때문에 어렸을 때 영어를 배우는 것이 축구 못지 않게 중요한 문제”라고 지적했다. 이어 “영어를 배우는 궁극적인 이유는 일단, 영어가 세계적인 언어이고 거의 모든 나라에서 영어를 사용하면 의사소통이 가능하기 때문에 전세계 어디를 가더라도 자신이 하고 싶은 것을 할 수 있고, 어려움에 처했을 때 스스로 도울 수 있기 때문” 이라며 “영어는 언어의 한 가지 수단이 아니라 생활을 편리하게 하고 많은 도움을 주는 것”이라고 설명했다. 아무리 영어에 익숙해졌다고 하더라도 박지성이 완벽히 이해할 수 없는 부분이 있다. 바로 사투리다. 박지성은 스코틀랜드 출신이라 억양이 센 퍼거슨 감독의 말에 대해 “다른 지방 영어랑 강세가 조금 틀려 알아듣기 힘든 면이 있다”고 털어놨다. 실제로 박지성은 퍼거슨 감독이 한참 설명한 뒤 “다 알아들었어”라고 물으면 “네, 물론이죠, 보스”라고 거짓말로 가끔 둘러댄다고 한다.
황계식 기자 cult@segye.com
Actually his interview in English picked up my courage!!:D
잉글랜드 프로축구 프리미어리그(EPL)에서 뛰고 있는 박지성(26)에겐 어떤 특별한 영어 공부법이 있을까?
박지성은 지난 2005년 7월 맨체스터 유나이티드(이하 맨유)에 입단한 뒤에도 1주일에 2∼3일 과외교사와 만나 하루 2시간 가량 공부하면서 영어를 손놓지 않고 있다. 2002년 12월 네덜란드의 PSV 에인트호벤에 진출한 뒤 꾸준히 영어 공부를 해온 박지성이지만 팀을 옮길 때마다 상당 기간 언어문제로 골치를 썩여왔다고 토로할 정도로 언어의 장벽은 넘어서기 힘들었다. 특히 맨유에 입단했을 때는 자존심이 세 먼저 말을 걸지 않으면 대화조차 힘든 동료와 하나가 되려고 무던히도 애를 썼다고 한다. 이제 박지성은 퍼거슨 감독인 동료와 원활히 의사소통을 하면서 경기력이 높아졌다는 평가를 받고 있다. 그럼 박지성은 어떤 방법으로 영어를 공부했을까. 지난달 22일 우루과이와의 국가대표팀 평가전을 위해 한국을 찾았던 박지성은 대답은 “혼자 외운다”였다. 또 재미있게 하라고 조언한다. 박지성은 “영어를 하는데 성격도 많이 좌우한다”며 “나는 많은 사람들과 많은 얘기를 하는 사람이 아니기 때문에 스스로 혼자 외우는 일이 영어를 배우는 데 있어 잘하는 방법 중에 하나”라고 소개했다. 수줍음이 많아 쉬는 날은 집에서 혼자 책을 읽으면 시간을 보낸다는 박지성다운 공부법인 셈이다. 그는 “옥스퍼드대학교에서 만든 영어교재와 함께 영어 교사가 준비해준 여러 자료로 공부한다”고 덧붙였다. 박지성은 영어를 재미있게 공부하라고 조언한다. “모르는 언어를 통해 모르는 한국 사람이 아닌 외국 사람과 대화할 수 있다는 것 자체만으로 충분히 재미있다”며 “간단한 말을 통역해 부모님께 도움을 줄 수 있고, 다른 나라 사람들이 하는 얘기를 알아듣고 얘기하는 것 자체가 기쁜 일” 이라고 말한다. 박지성에게 영어 공부는 선수생명을 건 도전이기도 했다. 그는 자서전 ‘멈추지 않는 도전’에서 “영어와의 전쟁에서 이기지 못하면 언젠가 세계 최고의 스타 선수 중 한 사람이 되리라는 내 소중한 꿈도 그만큼 멀어진다”고 밝혔을 정도다. 영어가 축구 선수로 활동하는데 많은 도움이 되기 때문에 반드시 정복해야 한다는 것이다. 박지성은 “맨유 입단 초기에는 아무래도 현지인의 영어 말하기 속도를 따라갈 수 없었고, 내가 알고 있는 단어를 그들이 말했을 때 전혀 다른 소리로 들렸을 때가 가끔 있었다”며 “우리랑 말하는 것 자체가 문화적으로 틀리기 때문에 영어 공부에 어려운 점이 있었다”고 말했다. 이어 “영어를 할 수 있다면 소속팀 동료와 좀 더 원활한 의사소통이 가능하고 빨리 그들과 친해질 수 있기 때문에 축구를 통해 현지에서 적응하는 것도 빠른 속도로 할 수 있다”며 “경기장 밖에서도 동료와 같이 생활하고 그들과 같이 얘기 나눠야지만 경기장에서도 좋은 모습을 보여줄 수 있기 때문에 경기장 밖에서의 의사소통도 굉장히 중요하다”고 강조했다. 박지성은 “내가 한국에서 영어를 제대로 배워 외국에 나갔더라면 지금보다 더 쉽게 현지생활에 적응할 수 있을 것이고, 좀 더 좋은 선수가 되는데 많은 도움을 받았을 것”이라며 “그렇기 때문에 어렸을 때 영어를 배우는 것이 축구 못지 않게 중요한 문제”라고 지적했다. 이어 “영어를 배우는 궁극적인 이유는 일단, 영어가 세계적인 언어이고 거의 모든 나라에서 영어를 사용하면 의사소통이 가능하기 때문에 전세계 어디를 가더라도 자신이 하고 싶은 것을 할 수 있고, 어려움에 처했을 때 스스로 도울 수 있기 때문” 이라며 “영어는 언어의 한 가지 수단이 아니라 생활을 편리하게 하고 많은 도움을 주는 것”이라고 설명했다. 아무리 영어에 익숙해졌다고 하더라도 박지성이 완벽히 이해할 수 없는 부분이 있다. 바로 사투리다. 박지성은 스코틀랜드 출신이라 억양이 센 퍼거슨 감독의 말에 대해 “다른 지방 영어랑 강세가 조금 틀려 알아듣기 힘든 면이 있다”고 털어놨다. 실제로 박지성은 퍼거슨 감독이 한참 설명한 뒤 “다 알아들었어”라고 물으면 “네, 물론이죠, 보스”라고 거짓말로 가끔 둘러댄다고 한다.
황계식 기자 cult@segye.com
Actually his interview in English picked up my courage!!:D
The Luncheon On the Grass
Le Dejeuner sur L'Herbe, 1863
Oil on canvas,
Musee d'orsay. Paris
Oil on canvas,
Musee d'orsay. Paris
This is a master piece of France impressionism painter,
Edouard Manet.
In the foreground, three characters are seated on the grass: a naked woman and two men dressed like dandies. This two men seem to be engaged in conversation, ignoring the woman. Manet's wife, Suzanne Leenhoff, and his favorite model, Victorine Meurent both modelled for the nude woman. I mean character has Meurent's face but the plumper Leenhoff's body. Therefore that woman in the painting is some kind of a completion that Monet pursued. In front of them, the clothes of the woman, a basket of fruit and a loaf of bread are displayed as in a still life. In the background, another woman is bathing in a small pond.
The impression is reinforced by the use of light, which casts almost no shadows. The style of the painting breaks with the academic traditions of the time. He did not try to hide the harsh touch of the brush. Indeed, the painting looks unfinished in some parts of the scenery.
I wholly disapproved of this picture, especially with the naked woman. Nowdays, however, I think better of it. There are no reason or excuses. May be it's because I grew a year older and became liberal than before kk.
In the foreground, three characters are seated on the grass: a naked woman and two men dressed like dandies. This two men seem to be engaged in conversation, ignoring the woman. Manet's wife, Suzanne Leenhoff, and his favorite model, Victorine Meurent both modelled for the nude woman. I mean character has Meurent's face but the plumper Leenhoff's body. Therefore that woman in the painting is some kind of a completion that Monet pursued. In front of them, the clothes of the woman, a basket of fruit and a loaf of bread are displayed as in a still life. In the background, another woman is bathing in a small pond.
The impression is reinforced by the use of light, which casts almost no shadows. The style of the painting breaks with the academic traditions of the time. He did not try to hide the harsh touch of the brush. Indeed, the painting looks unfinished in some parts of the scenery.
I wholly disapproved of this picture, especially with the naked woman. Nowdays, however, I think better of it. There are no reason or excuses. May be it's because I grew a year older and became liberal than before kk.
about Kaleidoscope
Kaleidoscope is a toy that shows changing patterns, consisting of a type with colored pieces inside.
Just like MBTI test, kaleidoscope is another method in finding one's characteristic and background factors which affects the experinc of learning. I did three senctions that include personality, motivation and current skills. Not only just checking what type of person I am but I could get some tips to overcome the problems.
①personality : "It helps me to remember words if I see the words written down."
You have a visual and verbal style of learning. You can help your memory by using images, drawing diagrams, writing words down and focusing on them. Ask your teacher to write unfamiliar words on the board. It’s a good idea to use memory strategies that suit your learning style.
②motivation : "I've never been a language learner."
You are not motivated to learn because of your beliefs about yourself as a learner. Where do these beliefs come from? Could it be that you have depended too much on external judgments of your skills? Or that in a different learning context you might be more successful? Try to look at your beliefs and understand where they come from. A fresh start or a new way of learning might have altogether different results.
③ current skills :
"I can't write at all."
It is not always essential that writing has to be faultless. Reflective writing may also enhance learning. Think carefully: what kinds of writing have you tried earlier? When you write an informative text, for example, accuracy is more important. Look for models on the Net for writing a CV. Study academic theses and articles from your field to get ideas about academic writing. Make use of unilingual dictionaries and grammars when you’re writing. Look what courses are offered and choose a suitable one especially if you want feedback on your texts. But also write just for yourself sometimes: use the words you want to learn and don’t be afraid to experiment with language used by other writers.
"I've forgotten the grammar."
It might well be that in fact you are correctly using the grammar you have learnt in the past even though it feels as if you’ve forgotten the rules. Why not try some quick revision on the Net or in the Self Access Studio in the Aleksandria Learning Centre. You’ll find a wide choice of grammar books and exercises for many languages.
"My vocabulary is really poor."
Think about the words that you really need. Is it academic vocabulary, adjectives to describe things, verbs used in writing up research, or something else? For what purposes do you need words? For reading it’s not always necessary to know exact meanings, whereas for writing a careful choice of words and spelling is important. When speaking you can usually find alternative words of your own. Collect words and put them in a notebook which you can look at now and then. Collect words from the books you read, from the films you watch, from conversations, from lessons, and so on. Make sentences out of your words. Make a decision to use the words you want to learn in the next possible situation.
"Listening to lyrics has improved my language."
That’s great! Try to find other rewarding ways of learning language.
Just like MBTI test, kaleidoscope is another method in finding one's characteristic and background factors which affects the experinc of learning. I did three senctions that include personality, motivation and current skills. Not only just checking what type of person I am but I could get some tips to overcome the problems.
①personality : "It helps me to remember words if I see the words written down."
You have a visual and verbal style of learning. You can help your memory by using images, drawing diagrams, writing words down and focusing on them. Ask your teacher to write unfamiliar words on the board. It’s a good idea to use memory strategies that suit your learning style.
②motivation : "I've never been a language learner."
You are not motivated to learn because of your beliefs about yourself as a learner. Where do these beliefs come from? Could it be that you have depended too much on external judgments of your skills? Or that in a different learning context you might be more successful? Try to look at your beliefs and understand where they come from. A fresh start or a new way of learning might have altogether different results.
③ current skills :
"I can't write at all."
It is not always essential that writing has to be faultless. Reflective writing may also enhance learning. Think carefully: what kinds of writing have you tried earlier? When you write an informative text, for example, accuracy is more important. Look for models on the Net for writing a CV. Study academic theses and articles from your field to get ideas about academic writing. Make use of unilingual dictionaries and grammars when you’re writing. Look what courses are offered and choose a suitable one especially if you want feedback on your texts. But also write just for yourself sometimes: use the words you want to learn and don’t be afraid to experiment with language used by other writers.
"I've forgotten the grammar."
It might well be that in fact you are correctly using the grammar you have learnt in the past even though it feels as if you’ve forgotten the rules. Why not try some quick revision on the Net or in the Self Access Studio in the Aleksandria Learning Centre. You’ll find a wide choice of grammar books and exercises for many languages.
"My vocabulary is really poor."
Think about the words that you really need. Is it academic vocabulary, adjectives to describe things, verbs used in writing up research, or something else? For what purposes do you need words? For reading it’s not always necessary to know exact meanings, whereas for writing a careful choice of words and spelling is important. When speaking you can usually find alternative words of your own. Collect words and put them in a notebook which you can look at now and then. Collect words from the books you read, from the films you watch, from conversations, from lessons, and so on. Make sentences out of your words. Make a decision to use the words you want to learn in the next possible situation.
"Listening to lyrics has improved my language."
That’s great! Try to find other rewarding ways of learning language.
Death Note ㅡ MBTI test
After the web-surfing, I found an appealing site to me.
You can have another MBTI test which is concerned about Japanimation "Death Note"
Last year a film version was released also. I heard that a sequel will open on this summer.
Each of character represents specific personality types.
Click here and have fun guys!!

You can have another MBTI test which is concerned about Japanimation "Death Note"
Last year a film version was released also. I heard that a sequel will open on this summer.
Each of character represents specific personality types.
Click here and have fun guys!!

MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) test Result

I had MBTI test at class. It is designed to increase self- awareness and understanding of individual differences.
As I am interested in psychology, I already tested before. Curious to say, the result was different from that of former times. I was INFP about 2~3 years ago but now they say I am ENFP!! I had a glimmer of the mutation.
Becoming an university student was a potent influence I think.
(Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving)
Warmly enthusiastic, high spirited, ingenious, imaginative. Able to do almost anything that interests them.
(Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving)
Warmly enthusiastic, high spirited, ingenious, imaginative. Able to do almost anything that interests them.
Quick with a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anyone with a problem.
Often rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance.
Can usually find compelling reasons for whatever they want.
The MBTI process gave me a good sense of my personality type and learning style.
I could identify my strength and blind spots. It also gave a useful tips for me to relate with others.
I want to be an active student asking questions with insight and issuing thoughtful ideas.
To be like that,
I strive myself up to today...
Sonnet XVIII
Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer's Day?
-William Shakespeare-
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed.
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st
Nor shall death brag though wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
-William Shakespeare-
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed.
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st
Nor shall death brag though wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
I was born in 1986 when the Asian Game was held in Seoul. Therefore I am 22 years old now. (However I'm freshman! kkk) Actually I attended Ewha Womans University two years ago. My major was Humanities. At that time I was falling in love with learning English Literature. Especially about short stories and poems. Of course this is one of my favorites. All the time I read this poem, I hope to be loved by someone. That much this poem is so lovely. Especially the last two sentences are fascinating. Someday, I would like to attempt to write this kind of lovely poem!
Thank GOD
I am soooooooooooo happy to posting!!
As there was an internal server error,
I couldn't log-in so far...
Now I'm gonna start the real blog!!
Now I'm gonna start the real blog!!
How can we get a butter tongue?
The pronunciation is absolutely visible part when people study foreign languages. Especially English teachers have been under pressure with this problem. It is because more and more people believe that English teachers should pronounce just like a native
speakers of English. Of course there are also some people who says ponounciation and grammar is not much important when we communicate with foreigners by their mother tongue.
For instance, Europeans can speak or write at least 3 languages. English, French, Germany or Spanish etc. They don't feel any discomfortness using variable languages.
However, their pronunciation is terrible! I mean their personal intonations and accents are really matter. Therefore we do not need to get much stress with pronunciation. More important thing is the content which we try to turn over.

English teachers also do not have to pronounce fluently. However their visible pronunciation directly shows their self-assurance. Therefore we should struggle ourselves to feel comfortable with English pronunciation.
speakers of English. Of course there are also some people who says ponounciation and grammar is not much important when we communicate with foreigners by their mother tongue.
For instance, Europeans can speak or write at least 3 languages. English, French, Germany or Spanish etc. They don't feel any discomfortness using variable languages.
However, their pronunciation is terrible! I mean their personal intonations and accents are really matter. Therefore we do not need to get much stress with pronunciation. More important thing is the content which we try to turn over.

English teachers also do not have to pronounce fluently. However their visible pronunciation directly shows their self-assurance. Therefore we should struggle ourselves to feel comfortable with English pronunciation.
Type "영어교사" in Naver

초등 영어수업 10년, "효과 봤다" (datanews 06-12-29)
올해로 도입 10년이 되는 초등학교 영어교육이 영어 실력 향상에 긍정적 효과를 가져 온 것으로 분석됐다. 교육인적자원부가 서울대학교 권오량교수 연구팀에 의뢰해 5개 고교 4,000여명 학생들의 2003년과 2006년 영어능력평가(GTEC, 400점 만점) 점수를 비교·분석한 결과, 초등영어교육을 받은 학생들이 그렇지 않은 학생들에 비해 영어 실력이 월등히 높은 것으로 드러났다. 초등학교에서 영어를 배운 2006년 현재 고교1·2학년 학생들의 평균점수가 459.6점으로 나타난 반면, 초등영어를 배우지 않은 2003년의 고교1·2학년의 414.5점에 그쳤던 것. 영역별로 점수를 비교해 보면, 듣기영역의 평균차가 17.9점으로 가장 컸고, 읽기(15.1점)·쓰기(12.1점) 영역에서도 차이를 나타냈다. 또 연구팀이 중·고등학생 4,420명을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사 결과, "초등 영어교육이 수업에 도움이 되느냐"는 질문에 중학생의 38.4%가 '그렇다'고 답했으며, '그렇지 않다'고 답한 비율도 32.0%나 됐다. 고등학생의 경우 5명 중 3명 정도(56.3%)가 초등 영어교육이 수업에 도움이 되지 않는다고 답해 부정적 적인 쪽이 긍정적이 쪽보다 많았다.
한편, 중등 영어교사들(154명)을 대상으로한 설문조사에서는 전체의 절반 정도(49.7%)가 초등영어를 배우기 이전의 학생들에 비해 현재 자신들이 가르치고 있는 학생들의 영어실력이 더 높다고 판단했다. 이와 관련 교육부는 "앞으로 2015년까지 영어교사 1만명을 대상으로 집중 심화연수를 실시하는 등 영어 교육 내실화에 힘쓸 것이다"며 "초등학교1·2학년에 대한 영어교육 도입 여부는 2008년 하반기 즈음에 결정할 예정이다"고 전했다. 오미영 기자gisimo@datanews.co.kr
What is an idealistic figure of English teacher?
I believe that there are three important figures that English teacher should have.
one. English teacher should have 'passion' in mind.
As you konw studying language is continuing work. Which means there is no end. Also there is no hidden way to remarkably reduce time and effort in mastering English. Therefore teacher should find way contiuously how to guide students in studying English. Always have faith in mind that instructor should have passion to help students.
two. English teacher should have humor.
Humor creates a fun and relaxed atmosphere, making learning more enjoyable. In my opinion, this air will motivate students to study English more eagerly. The most significant point is that students should not be forced by anyone.
three. English teacher should be wide opened.
Human are different from each other. milieu, personality, capacity in learning, family backgound etc.
As a teacher, before we think about the subject, we should consider seriously about each student's situation and find the best way to guide them.
To be like that, we have to see not only the visible or present aspects but also obscure points.
one. English teacher should have 'passion' in mind.
As you konw studying language is continuing work. Which means there is no end. Also there is no hidden way to remarkably reduce time and effort in mastering English. Therefore teacher should find way contiuously how to guide students in studying English. Always have faith in mind that instructor should have passion to help students.
two. English teacher should have humor.
Humor creates a fun and relaxed atmosphere, making learning more enjoyable. In my opinion, this air will motivate students to study English more eagerly. The most significant point is that students should not be forced by anyone.
three. English teacher should be wide opened.
Human are different from each other. milieu, personality, capacity in learning, family backgound etc.
As a teacher, before we think about the subject, we should consider seriously about each student's situation and find the best way to guide them.
To be like that, we have to see not only the visible or present aspects but also obscure points.
It's show time!!! kk

As me and my friend are interested in b-boying and hip-hop, we had a great time. The performance consisted of beat box, b-boying battle and b-girls' dance. This show is directed by 이근희 who also produced "비보이를 사랑한 발레리나". I heard that is really nice, too. May be I'm going to see that at my free time. If possible, I'd like to learn dancing or join the club!! kk
Though the spring had already come, this was winter's last shot. I think spring breeze seems to be colder than a winter wind. The weather forecast said that piercing wind will be continued this week.
Oh my god!!!
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